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The Role Of Facebook In Facilitating Authoritarian Control In Vietnam

Critics argue that how Facebook helps the authoritarian regime in Vietnam involves a delicate balance between business interests and ethical considerations. Despite its mission to connect the world, Facebook's impact on Vietnam's political dynamics raises questions about the platform's global responsibility and its influence in authoritarian contexts.

Jul 14, 20212649 Shares35319 Views
In recent years, the global impact of social media platforms on political landscapes has become increasingly evident. One such instance is the role of Facebook in assisting authoritarian regimes, with Vietnam serving as a poignant example. This article delves into the ways in which Facebook has been utilized as a tool for control and manipulation by the Vietnamese government.

The Power Of Information Control

In an era dominated by digital communication, the control of information is a potent weapon for authoritarian regimes. In Vietnam, the government has leveraged Facebook to tightly manage the narrative and suppress dissenting voices.
By monitoring and censoring content, the regime ensures that only approved messages reach the public.

Surveillance And Suppression Of Dissent

Facebook, as a primary social media platform in Vietnam, has unwittingly become a surveillance tool for the government.
Activists, journalists, and ordinary citizens find themselves under constant scrutiny, with the authorities employing the platform to track and suppress any form of dissent. This surveillance culture instills fear and inhibits the free expression of opinions.

Strategic Use Of Trolls And Bots

Authoritarian regimes often deploy armies of trolls and bots to manipulate public opinion and stifle dissent. Vietnam is no exception, with the government utilizing Facebook to create a facade of support and drown out opposition.
The strategic use of these online entities contributes to a distorted online reality, making it challenging for citizens to discern authentic voices from orchestrated propaganda.
Facebook Written
Facebook Written
In the context of Vietnam, Facebook's compliance with local regulations has raised concerns. The company's cooperation with the government's requests for user data and content removal has been seen as an acquiescence to authoritarian rule.
The absence of robust resistance against censorship requests undermines the platform's potential as a force for free expression.

The Struggle For Digital Freedom

Despite the challenges posed by the use of Facebook as a tool for authoritarian control, there is a growing resistance among Vietnamese citizens. Activists and civil society groups utilize the platform to disseminate information, connect with like-minded individuals, and raise awareness about human rights abuses.
The struggle for digital freedom in Vietnam is an ongoing battle, with Facebook playing a dual role as both an enabler and a battleground for dissent.

International Implications

The issue of Facebook's role in supporting authoritarian regimes extends beyond Vietnam. It raises questions about the ethical responsibility of global tech giants in fostering an environment conducive to freedom of expression.
As social media platforms become integral to public discourse, the international community must scrutinize and hold companies that compromise democratic values accountable for the sake of market access.


The symbiotic relationship between Facebook and the authoritarian regime in Vietnam highlights the complex interplay between technology, politics, and human rights. As discussions surrounding the regulation of social media intensify, it is imperative to consider the far-reaching consequences of platforms becoming unwitting accomplices in the erosion of democratic principles.
The case of Vietnam serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by the misuse of technology in the hands of those who seek to stifle dissent and control the narrative.
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